

Herb Garden Tips

If you are anything like me you know there is nothing better than topping off your pizza with some fresh basil, or snipping off a few fresh chives for your morning omelet. But if you are battling a black thumb it can be discouraging to try to grow your own herb garden. But growing your own herbs isn't a mystery... it's a science.

 Read More at: Starting your Herb Garden


 Guide To Pressure Canning 

Home Canning has almost become a lost art. But with backyard gardens on the rise and growing movement towards eating organic and locally grown foods, more people are seeking to rediscover ways of preserving the harvest year round. Whether your completely new to the world of canning or you just need a little push out of your comfort zone. I have found a few tips on how to put up a variety of foods for your family! 

 Read More at: Pressure Canning at Home


Summer Food Storage

A great way to keep food chilled throughout the year is to use a root cellar. There are many types of DIY root cellars for the homestead you can build. The DIY root cellars listed below give a few examples of the different options that are pretty easy to to build.


Read More at: Backyard Root Cellar